The Next Step: From End-User Programming to End-User Software Engineering

WEUSE II Workshop at CHI 2006, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, April 23, 2006

Hyatt Regency Hotel

9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Workshop Details

Pre-Workshop Events

One possible additional outcome of the workshop will be a survey paper on the state of the art in this area, if there is sufficient interest by the participants in doing one. Prior to the workshop, we will collect information about end-user software engineering to provide an initial taxonomy of work being done in the area, which will provide a framework for planning the paper as well as for the workshop discussions.

Position papers of selected participants (and other pre-workshop materials) distributed to participants in advance of the workshop. Also, the final agenda of the workshop will be fine-tuned using the interests and papers of the selected participants.

Workshop Schedule

The workshop length will be one day: April 23, 2006.

After the Workshop

The following are the after-workshop activities planned:
  1. A summary of the workshop's activities and findings will be submitted for publication in ACM interactions, if appropriate, or for the SIGCHI Bulletin.
  2. The results will be made available via the EUSES web site's collection of resources for sharing with everyone interested in dependability issues for end-user programmers.
  3. If there is sufficient interest, interested attendees from the workshop will form a follow-up collaboration to write a survey paper on the state of end-user software engineering research. The workshop organizers will lead this effort.
  4. In addition, it is hoped that matches made during the workshop will result in follow-up collaborations that apply research findings to problems that industrial participants would like to solve.

About the Organizers

All four organizers are members of the EUSES Consortium.

Margaret Burnett is a Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Oregon State University, and is Project Director of the EUSES Consortium. Her research relates to making programming languages and environments genuinely usable and useful to human problem-solvers. She and her collaborators have designed a number of innovative software engineering devices for end-user programmers, including WYSIWYT testing and the Surprise-Explain-Reward strategy encouraging end-user programmers toward better dependability practices.

Brad Myers is a Professor in the Human Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie-Mellon University and has been studying end-user programming for 25 years. He is one of the founders of the area of programming-by-demonstration, and recently has headed an effort to create programming environments and languages that are more natural. In 2004, he was elected to the CHI Academy, an honor bestowed on the principal leaders of the field, whose efforts have shaped the discipline and led the research in human-computer interaction. In 2005, he was selected to be an ACM Fellow.

Mary Beth Rosson is a Professor of Information Sciences and Technology at Pennsylvania State University. She has studied issues related to the psychology of programming and design for 20 years, shifting her attention to end-user programming about five years ago. Her current interests focus on informal learning in software development (e.g., adaptation of examples), including how learning is affected by individual differences and the social and cultural communities in which end-user programming takes place.

Susan Wiedenbeck is a Professor in the College of Information Science and Technology at Drexel University. Her work centers on empirical studies of programmers. She has studied how programming languages and environments as well as cognitive and social factors affect novice programmers. Current research focuses on the social-cognitive factors that influence end users' effectiveness in developing dependable software.

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